“Just look at it, you think it is a shortcut down to the cemetery Han?” asked Madison looking serious with her stepsister. Suddenly Hannah was not so sure what if they went down there and never come back her Dad and stepmother would be worried. Madison was waiting for an answer until she blurted out “ My mind is already made up sis, now you go down first then I will go because if this is dangerous I am not going down there.” Just before Hannah was about to go down she stumbled on a really hard rock but she was not injured and as she stumbled something opened in the path and she fell in it with Madison in too. “AHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed both girls in a harmony tune. When they fell on the ground they found that it was soft. “ Lucky, we could have died if this was actually lava,” Hannah told Madison. The girls looked straight in front of them and saw bushes and straight ahead was something glowing at them. The girls got up and ran over to it. They saw the most beautiful bush ever. It was big and it had heaps of beautiful flowers on it they wanted to have the bush but they knew that there will be other kids to look at it to. Then all of a sudden they heard the sound of a chainsaw coming their way. They were lucky to find a way to get out and they ran as fast as they could of the bushes. When they got home their dinner was ready there waiting for them they quickly ate their supper threw on their pyjamas and went to bed. The next morning came and the girls got dressed in jeans and a shirt with a jacket so they would not get cold. They skipped breakfast got their shoes on and just before they were about to go out the front door Hannah’s stepmother blocked the way. “ Just we do you think you two are going?” she asked curiously. “Well, um we are just going to the park and just talk about stuff,” Hannah lied she hoped her stepmother was going to say yes. She did and told them to be back by six. The two girls strolled off to the bushes. But in their surprise when they got there all the bushes and trees were gone and that meant chopped. The two girls were not thrilled but very very mad. How could those men chop and cut the bushes and trees thought Hannah and Madison and they went home feeling glum. “What is the matter with you two,” their father had asked them that evening. “Nothing Dad none of your business but we are okay,” said Hannah even though she was lying to her dad.
The next day the two girls went to a shop called magical growing. They had past this shop so many times and thinking it was boring, but today they had to go in because they wanted to save a bush. So they walked inside got what they wanted and left the shop. They went to the bush and sprinkled all of the stuff onto the trees and bushes. Then they went home ate their dinner and went to bed. They woke up early in the morning chucked their clothes on and ran to the bushes. They found a lovely surprise when they got there. The trees and bushes had grown and they saw the flowers blooming their petals on the bushes. They felt really really thrilled. They decided that everyday they would go there and have a picnic. They also never ever let the choppers come and chop and cut the trees and bushes again. The bushes and trees were all to them self for as long as they could live. The two girls lived happily ever after.
Hi Rebekah,
I loved your narrative story it really painted a picture in my head.
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