The Push Play! group will show why exercising is important.
Push Play! from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
This movie was made from a group of students from Tamaki primary. We did this movie during tterm 2 for movie making.
I am a Year 5 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Miss Ah Kui.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Clean and green.
The 'Clean and Green' group in Room 7 put together a movie about keeping our environment tidy.
Clean and Green from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Clean and green was made from a group of kids from Tamaki Primary. We made movies during tterm 2 for movie making. HELP THE ENVIRONMENT, BE CLEAN AND GREEN.
Clean and Green from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Clean and green was made from a group of kids from Tamaki Primary. We made movies during tterm 2 for movie making. HELP THE ENVIRONMENT, BE CLEAN AND GREEN.
Honesty is the Best Policy from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
This movie was made from room 7 students at Tamaki Primary. We made movies during term 2 we made movies. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.
Honesty is the Best Policy from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
This movie was made from room 7 students at Tamaki Primary. We made movies during term 2 we made movies. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY.
Tagging is Bad from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Tagging was made from room 7 students at Tamaki Primary. We did movies in term 2 for movie making this year.
Be a buddy not a bully
Be A Buddy Not A Bully from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Be a buddy not a bully. This movie was made from students in room 7 at Tamaki Primary.
We did this movie in term 2 for movie making. BE A BUDDY NOT A BULLY.
Energy Brochure
This is my brochure about 'Energy'. I used Google Drawing for the first time to create my brochure and I had fun making my brochure. During the process of making my brochure I learnt how to put colours on my brochure, how to create a brochure and how to do word art on my brochure.
Statistical Investigation
This is a Google Presentation of my statistical investigation I did with my buddy Lauren.
We did a statistical investigation about Room 7’s favourite pets.
We followed a statistical process to help us complete our investigation successfully.
We did a statistical investigation about Room 7’s favourite pets.
We followed a statistical process to help us complete our investigation successfully.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
This is my wordle about stuff that we have on our netbook and why we have them. We did a manakalani reflection and after we did a reflection we did a wordle about this!
Friday, 16 November 2012
Room 7's Birthday Survey
This is room 7's column graph. 3 kids birthday are in January, 2 in February, 2 in March, 4 in April, 1 in May, 5 in June, 1 in July, 1 in August, 1 in September, 3 in October, 2 in November and 3 in December.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Manaiakalani Film Festival
In Term 2 we were learning a lot about movie magic, and how movies can influence our world. We created many movies. We started by brainstorming key messages we could include in our movies.
We also made a movie that explains how to plant kumara. It was really fun to do. We created this movie to inspire people to learn how to grow their own kumara.
Our movie for The Manaiakalani Film Festival is called 'School Is Cool'. We made it to share all of the cool learning and fun that we have at school.
Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards. We created a PMI about Movie Magic and shared what we liked, what was challenging and interesting.
School is Cool from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
We also made a movie that explains how to plant kumara. It was really fun to do. We created this movie to inspire people to learn how to grow their own kumara.
Our movie for The Manaiakalani Film Festival is called 'School Is Cool'. We made it to share all of the cool learning and fun that we have at school.
Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards. We created a PMI about Movie Magic and shared what we liked, what was challenging and interesting.
School is Cool from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Rewinding Back To June 2012
In Term 2 our school's inquiry topic was about 'Magic Movies'. Here is a trailer of our movies we made throughout Term 2.
Room 7 Movie Tralier from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Room 7 Movie Tralier from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
T.P.S Atheletics Day
Press play to watch a movie about our Athletics Day.
T.P.S NEWS- Athletics Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
T.P.S NEWS- Athletics Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Narrative Story

One really sunny Monday Lullah-Belle was practising tennis before their tournament which was on wednesday so they only had two days to practice. Lullah-Belle was practising with her group when their coach Ms Morri came and told the tennis group some news and this is what she told the girls, “I just wanted to tell you that you are going to be versing other girls who are at the same level as you girls so you are going to have to try to beat them.” The coach walked away and went back inside to her office. Lullah-Belle was worried that she might lose the game because there were girls that were at a level like her and her group. The bell rang for home time. She went home with her friend Courtney like always. While they were walking back Courtney said, “I don’t know what will happen if we lose this round. We have never ever lost a round but maybe if we are lucky we might win you know Lullah.” Lullah-Belle’s nickname was Lullah and Courtney’s was Court and so the girls always called each other their nickname. When Lullah-Belle got home she was feeling depressed and tired so she went to go lay down on her bed and have a little sleep. Lullah-Belle woke up 2 minutes later because of all the noise she could hear. She looked at her watch and it was dinner time so she went downstairs to eat her dinner. When she was finished she had a shower and said, “Good night,” to everybody. It was 2:38 in the morning when Lullah-Belle’s cellphone rang. She answered and said, “Hello,” but in a tired voice. The person on the phone on the phone was Ms Morri and she told Lullah-Belle that the tournament was today and that she would have to be ready. When they finished speaking she put the cellphone down and went back to sleep.
Lullah-Belle woke up and got ready for school when it was 8:15 she left for school. She got to school and went to the hall to see Ms Morri. All the girls were there in the hall chattering about tennis. Ms Morri got all the uniforms out and told the girls to get them on as well as their tennis shoes. They all did and went outside to wait for the bus. The bus arrived and the girls went in. Lullah-Belle went all the way to the back with her gear and sat next to the window. Courtney came to sit next to her and she told Lullah-Belle “Put your gear down on the floor Lullah.” Lullah-Belle did. The drive was a fifteen minute drive. The girls arrived and got off the bus. They saw the other girls there. The first thing they did was a warm up and then started to play. In the first round was easy because the girls on the other team weren’t looking so they missed the ball that was like that until the last round which was 10. This was the last round which is if you won you get a trophy. Lullah-Belle’s team needed one more trophy and that was the last one they needed. Courtney was the server so she threw it up high and swung the racket with all her might and hit the ball. The swing was so hard that it went past the girls that they missed it and that made Lullah-Belle’s team a head start. Courtney served again but this time Courtney did not have a lot of might so when she hit the ball the girls on the other team were able to hit it too. This went on until one of the girls on the other team hit it hard that Lullah-Belle and her team missed. It had passed ten minutes and the other team needed one more point.
All the girls on Lullah-Belle’s team gave all their might so when the ball came to them Courtney hit it hard and it missed the other girls. This time when Courtney served she hit it real hard that it missed again this kept on going until the teams both had a deuce (tie.) Courtney gave all her might to hit it real hard and of course she did. One girl on the other team had her racket swinging in both directions and when the ball came to her it missed so Lullah-Belle’s team won all the rounds. Lullah-Belle was so overjoyed when they got the trophy. The trophy was all gold and when Lullah-Belle looked at it she could see her face in the trophy. When the girls got back to school they put the trophy into a cupboard with all the other trophies and medals. They had finally finished their collection and prizes of trophies and medals. Lullah-Belle never stopped playing tennis even if she would lose, but of course she didn’t that is the reason why she did not stop playing.
Friday, 19 October 2012
My Video-log About Energy
This was my first time doing a Video-log about our topic Energy.
It was really hard to do because I have never done a Video-Log before.
It was really hard to do because I have never done a Video-Log before.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Video - Community Celebration.
Whanau Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.
On Wednesday the 26 of September we had a garden day with other kids Family.
This was the day we opened our Kai garden and seeing and learning about things about photosynthesis, compost, sustainability and energy. We went to other classrooms and had a look at what they had learnt and done. The kapa haka group did three Maori songs in front of the teachers, juniors and parents.
Topic Reflection
Energy –The Balance of Life
What is energy? There are many types of energy. Energy is about being sustainable and giving energy to living things and also people getting energy from food.
Where do humans get energy from? Humans get their energy from healthy foods and drinks.
1. What substance does a tree use for food?(highlight your answer in yellow)a. photosynthesis b. chlorophyll
c. glucose d. leaves
2. What four things does a tree need for photosynthesis? (highlight your answer in yellow)
3. What causes a tree's leaves to appear green? The chlorophyll makes the leaves to appear green and when it is autumn there is less chlorophyll then it had before.
4. What signals a tree to preparing for winter?(highlight your answer in yellow)
a. The days become colder.
b. The weather becomes dry.
c. There are more rainy days.
d. There are fewer hours of sunlight.
5. How does a tree get water?(highlight your answer in yellow)
a. It makes water in its leaves.
b. It turns glucose into water.
c. It absorbs water through its roots.
d. It uses photosynthesis.
c. It absorbs water through its roots.
d. It uses photosynthesis.
6. Why do a tree's leaves change color in the fall? (highlight your answer in yellow)
a. The tree has less chlorophyll.
b. The tree has less water.
c. The tree has no leaves.
d. The tree is growing quickly before the winter sets in.
What is compost?
Compost is like a waste bin for people to throw their fruit scraps and left overs in. Worms make worm juice for the compost bin.
What are the things that you cannot put in a compost bin?
This term you have completed a group project about the roles, rights and responsibilities of how people maintain sustainable food sources.
Draw a flow chart that represents the responsibility that people have to maintain the food source your group researched this term.
Sustainability group topic (e.g pork farming):_______Dairy Farming. ______________

Draw and label a picture that represents a healthy Kai garden.
a. The tree has less chlorophyll.
b. The tree has less water.
c. The tree has no leaves.
d. The tree is growing quickly before the winter sets in.
What is compost?
Compost is like a waste bin for people to throw their fruit scraps and left overs in. Worms make worm juice for the compost bin.
What are the things that you cannot put in a compost bin?
- Milk
- oil
- meat
- orange skins
- pet droppings
- bones
- Tins
- plastic
- packets
- clothes
- cloths
- shoes that are old.
- Apple core.
- Banana peel.
- Left over foods.
- Fruit scraps.
- Pear core.
This term you have completed a group project about the roles, rights and responsibilities of how people maintain sustainable food sources.
Draw a flow chart that represents the responsibility that people have to maintain the food source your group researched this term.
Sustainability group topic (e.g pork farming):_______Dairy Farming. ______________
Draw and label a picture that represents a healthy Kai garden.
- What have you learnt about this topic?
- What did you like about this topic?
- What is your role in practicing sustainability for a balanced future - at home, at school, in my community?
Friday, 21 September 2012
Loud Shirt Day
Today is loud shirt day. This day is about supporting deaf kids. All the money will go to the deaf society so that technology can provide to help kids hear better.
We think that this is an important charity as the money will help kids like Charday in our class who is partially deaf.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Friday, 7 September 2012
Narrative Story
“Just look at it, you think it is a shortcut down to the cemetery Han?” asked Madison looking serious with her stepsister. Suddenly Hannah was not so sure what if they went down there and never come back her Dad and stepmother would be worried. Madison was waiting for an answer until she blurted out “ My mind is already made up sis, now you go down first then I will go because if this is dangerous I am not going down there.” Just before Hannah was about to go down she stumbled on a really hard rock but she was not injured and as she stumbled something opened in the path and she fell in it with Madison in too. “AHHHHHHHHHH!” screamed both girls in a harmony tune. When they fell on the ground they found that it was soft. “ Lucky, we could have died if this was actually lava,” Hannah told Madison. The girls looked straight in front of them and saw bushes and straight ahead was something glowing at them. The girls got up and ran over to it. They saw the most beautiful bush ever. It was big and it had heaps of beautiful flowers on it they wanted to have the bush but they knew that there will be other kids to look at it to. Then all of a sudden they heard the sound of a chainsaw coming their way. They were lucky to find a way to get out and they ran as fast as they could of the bushes. When they got home their dinner was ready there waiting for them they quickly ate their supper threw on their pyjamas and went to bed. The next morning came and the girls got dressed in jeans and a shirt with a jacket so they would not get cold. They skipped breakfast got their shoes on and just before they were about to go out the front door Hannah’s stepmother blocked the way. “ Just we do you think you two are going?” she asked curiously. “Well, um we are just going to the park and just talk about stuff,” Hannah lied she hoped her stepmother was going to say yes. She did and told them to be back by six. The two girls strolled off to the bushes. But in their surprise when they got there all the bushes and trees were gone and that meant chopped. The two girls were not thrilled but very very mad. How could those men chop and cut the bushes and trees thought Hannah and Madison and they went home feeling glum. “What is the matter with you two,” their father had asked them that evening. “Nothing Dad none of your business but we are okay,” said Hannah even though she was lying to her dad.
The next day the two girls went to a shop called magical growing. They had past this shop so many times and thinking it was boring, but today they had to go in because they wanted to save a bush. So they walked inside got what they wanted and left the shop. They went to the bush and sprinkled all of the stuff onto the trees and bushes. Then they went home ate their dinner and went to bed. They woke up early in the morning chucked their clothes on and ran to the bushes. They found a lovely surprise when they got there. The trees and bushes had grown and they saw the flowers blooming their petals on the bushes. They felt really really thrilled. They decided that everyday they would go there and have a picnic. They also never ever let the choppers come and chop and cut the trees and bushes again. The bushes and trees were all to them self for as long as they could live. The two girls lived happily ever after.
The Magic Flying Carpet
As soon as Verity got home she laid it down on the floor and she went to have a shower. Verity got out 2 minutes later dried herself got dressed and just before she went to bed she went to go check on the carpet the carpet was still there and Verity went to bed with almost a loud yawn. When Verity was sure enough to be asleep the carpet got up and flew around the house and bumped into something that made a noise that sounded like the window opening with a creak. Verity woke up and tried to listen if there was another noise but then went back to sleep. The carpet went out of the window without making any noise and went into the dark, dark night leaving Verity and her house behind. When morning came Verity woke up went into the lounge and found that her carpet was not there. She let out a loud cry and ran to get her clothes on. Just as soon as she finished she grabbed her house key ran outside locked the door behind her put the keys in her pocket and ran into the town.
Verity kept on running and non stopping. She ran for what seemed like hours except it was minutes. She at last found the carpet lying down on the sunny green grass. She ran over to it put her foot on the side of it. “ WHY ON EARTH DID YOU DO THAT FOR I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU IF YOU WERE HUMAN!” shouted Verity at the carpet. The carpet cried Verity never knew that it could cry. “Sorry, I just don’t like it when people run away from me,” Verity was now very upset with herself. “You also got to stop acting like a maniac,” Verity told the carpet as well. The carpet looked really sorry with itself. So Verity tried to cheer it up. “Come, lets go home and on the way I will buy you are friend to play with,” Verity told it then hopped on. The carpet got its friend and they played happily together making noises but Verity did not care. And the carpet never flew away again or Verity would get angry.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
This is my popplet about photosynthesis.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
This is my popplet about sustainability.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
This is a presentation about fractions.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Friday, 3 August 2012
6 hats current events.
This is a presentation of 6 hats current events which is based on the Olympics.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Friday, 20 July 2012
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Room 7's Movie Magic Trailer
What did you like about this term’s unit?
- Using a camera.
- Having the opportunity to edit a movie. Some of us are now confident to edit a movie and are now going to be helping our teacher edit T.P.S News.
- Working as a group to plan our movies.
- This unit helped us build stronger relationships with each other especially when we were working as a group to produce and edit our movies.
- Speeches! - doing and preparing a speech helped developed our presenting skills.
- We have become confident in sharing our ideas without being shy.
- Learning about movie making equipment like the tripod, imove programme, flip cam etc.
- Enjoyed learning about the movie making process - brainstorming, planning, script writing, storyboarding, filming, editing, presenting.
- Learning about the different effective camera shots.
- Everyone in our class was in a movie.
- Finishing the movie off with a whole school Academy awards. This made us feel very proud of our hardwork! We felt like REAL professional film makers.
- Our whanau and friends being proud of us - they really appreciated our movies.
- We have definitely expanded our knowledge about movie making and have developed good movie making skills that we want to share with others. We look forward to continuing our Movie Magic journey and learning more fun ways to extend our movie making skills.
What challenges did you have with this unit?
- Waiting for our turn to film because there was only one flip-cam and a tripod.
- We had some groups using the same filming location so we had to wait for them to finish filming and sometimes it ment we couldn't film because they were taking too long. For example the staff room, corridor, reading room etc.
- We couldn’t film sometimes as some students were away and the weather was not too good as well.
- Memorising our lines for our scripts.
What interested you about this unit?
- The editing process.
- Adding sound effects and music to our movies.
- Learning how professional film makers make movies and trying to develop their skills throughout the process of our film making experience.
- Learning the movie elements helped us to make our movies interesting to watch!
- SolutionHow could we improve on this unit next time.
- More flip-cams and tripods.
- Have the Imovie programme on our netbooks so that we could edit our movies instead of waiting for a group to finish.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Scary Halloween Night

It was a hot sunny day and there were two kids playing outside,Tiere and Willy, and they were playing tiggy. They lived in a house that was next to a graveyard and their house was haunted but they didn't mind at all . Tiere looked like a star. She had eyes the colour of the ocean and had brown hair that swayed in the fresh air and she always wore a hibiscus flower in her hair. Willy on the other hand, had green eyes and black hair that always sparkled in the sun. He is trendy with the way he dresses as he like to wear hats that go with his outfits. Then one day Tiere shouted, “ It’s halloween so we can go out to see the graveyard!” So they went inside to get their costumes on. Tiere dressed up like a angel and Willy dressed up like a zombie. When they had finished dressing, they got their pumpkins and headed out to the graveyard. They did not know that every night two ghosts would come out of their grave. When Tiere and Willy reached the graveyard they heard a loud “BOO!” Tiere nor Willy noticed but took no notice of what was going to happen. Then suddenly, two ghosts came out of their graves and gave the two kids a tremendous fright as if they had never seen a ghost before. The kids were so frightened that they screamed “Arrrgh!” The ghost chased the kids round and round and round until they were exhausted. Tiere said “I will not give up so we are going to fight back!”. So they did with speed and skill. The ghosts did not know what they were doing until it was too late. Willy and Tiere were too fast and too quick. They cowardly went back to their graves and never came out again. Tiere and Willy were so happy that they went off to go trick or treating. When they had come home the ghosts were still in their grave and the kids never saw them again. Tiere, Willy and their family moved house and they had a wonderful life together. And never again did Tiere and Willy go out to a grave at night ever again.
By Rebekah and Lauren

It was a hot sunny day and there were two kids playing outside,Tiere and Willy, and they were playing tiggy. They lived in a house that was next to a graveyard and their house was haunted but they didn't mind at all . Tiere looked like a star. She had eyes the colour of the ocean and had brown hair that swayed in the fresh air and she always wore a hibiscus flower in her hair. Willy on the other hand, had green eyes and black hair that always sparkled in the sun. He is trendy with the way he dresses as he like to wear hats that go with his outfits. Then one day Tiere shouted, “ It’s halloween so we can go out to see the graveyard!” So they went inside to get their costumes on. Tiere dressed up like a angel and Willy dressed up like a zombie. When they had finished dressing, they got their pumpkins and headed out to the graveyard. They did not know that every night two ghosts would come out of their grave. When Tiere and Willy reached the graveyard they heard a loud “BOO!” Tiere nor Willy noticed but took no notice of what was going to happen. Then suddenly, two ghosts came out of their graves and gave the two kids a tremendous fright as if they had never seen a ghost before. The kids were so frightened that they screamed “Arrrgh!” The ghost chased the kids round and round and round until they were exhausted. Tiere said “I will not give up so we are going to fight back!”. So they did with speed and skill. The ghosts did not know what they were doing until it was too late. Willy and Tiere were too fast and too quick. They cowardly went back to their graves and never came out again. Tiere and Willy were so happy that they went off to go trick or treating. When they had come home the ghosts were still in their grave and the kids never saw them again. Tiere, Willy and their family moved house and they had a wonderful life together. And never again did Tiere and Willy go out to a grave at night ever again.
By Rebekah and Lauren
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Friday, 1 June 2012
Thursday, 31 May 2012
My Favourite Rock Star Miley Cyrus
Monday, 28 May 2012
Spelling Cloze Task
I am learning to create a cloze task that includes my spelling words for this week.
Can you fill in the gaps by using the words provided below?
Can you fill in the gaps by using the words provided below?
- "Make sure your sentences make______________ Abigail,' said the teacher.
- I have a sound __________ on my computer.
- My Nana put __________________ on my foot when I got a bee sting. The ______________ healed my foot.
- Our school rules have _______________ and dis_____________.
- Their close ___________ did not last long.
- “ I will not _______ you” said the kind woman.
- Stop _______ from the past and look to your future.
- Can you ________ me said Anabelle to the clown.
- My ______________ got cancelled. We had to wait for the next __________ to Turkey.
- I will need to ________________ my reading speed.
- I put the T.V on _____ when my mum was on the phone.
- We have to _______ our work before we post it on our blog.
- I am ________ my voice from my phone so I can hear it.
entertain sense destroy recording mute preview
increase association vinegar dwelling advantages system
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Friday, 18 May 2012
Character Description Caption Offer

The character I play is Caption Offer he is an alien. My character has black eyes and his skin colour grey. Caption Offer is caption of all aliens.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Dear Tiere
In the holidays I went to Christchurch with my brother and Dad and my brother was so annoying he got up to mischief and he is only 11.
How we got to Christchurch our dad had to pick us up from the auckland airport so we could get our plane tickets to go to Christchurch.
While we were there we went to whitcoulls to buy me a book I got breaking dawn while my brother was looking at video games. Then something terrible happened a few days later there was a earthquake I wasn’t scared but as soon a it striked I quickly got under the table and holded really tight on the legs on the table. As soon it was finished I checked my brother and dad if they had any injuries ,but they didn’t they were safe and so was I. If we hadn’t been under that table there would be serious injuries or could have been killed.
The next day when my dad’s grouchy boss said to rebuild the city again he did and he also asked if we could help to he said “Sure you and the kids can help if they don’t mess anything”,and my dad said “I will tell them what to do so they can’t mess it up”.We did not mess it up, but me and my brother had to paint the shops and signs again and it was the best thing we did. After we were done which took about 24 hours to complete we were stuffed tired and were battling to keep our eyes open.
When we were doing that we were lucky enough to see other builders helping us and I was even luckier to see my step dad’s friend I talked to him when it was break time .When the shops and signs were finished I saw John Key and my dad’s boss the next day they appeared and they were surprised we were finished. Then Mr John Key gave us a treat to say thank you for helping. Joenhn Key said “You two are the first kids to help rebuild the city”. The next day wtis time to go back to whangarei so we could get back to dargaville and have ome time
I on video games and having turns going to go on facebook
had feelings they were sad - to be in an earthquake
, worried- thinking one of my family members might die, not so good- Was feeling sick and lucky last exited and happy - helping to rebuild the city.
So all the things I said is about me being in christchurch with me,brother and dad.
From Rebekah.
In the holidays I went to Christchurch with my brother and Dad and my brother was so annoying he got up to mischief and he is only 11.
How we got to Christchurch our dad had to pick us up from the auckland airport so we could get our plane tickets to go to Christchurch.
While we were there we went to whitcoulls to buy me a book I got breaking dawn while my brother was looking at video games. Then something terrible happened a few days later there was a earthquake I wasn’t scared but as soon a it striked I quickly got under the table and holded really tight on the legs on the table. As soon it was finished I checked my brother and dad if they had any injuries ,but they didn’t they were safe and so was I. If we hadn’t been under that table there would be serious injuries or could have been killed.
The next day when my dad’s grouchy boss said to rebuild the city again he did and he also asked if we could help to he said “Sure you and the kids can help if they don’t mess anything”,and my dad said “I will tell them what to do so they can’t mess it up”.We did not mess it up, but me and my brother had to paint the shops and signs again and it was the best thing we did. After we were done which took about 24 hours to complete we were stuffed tired and were battling to keep our eyes open.
When we were doing that we were lucky enough to see other builders helping us and I was even luckier to see my step dad’s friend I talked to him when it was break time .When the shops and signs were finished I saw John Key and my dad’s boss the next day they appeared and they were surprised we were finished. Then Mr John Key gave us a treat to say thank you for helping. Joenhn Key said “You two are the first kids to help rebuild the city”. The next day wtis time to go back to whangarei so we could get back to dargaville and have ome time
I on video games and having turns going to go on facebook
had feelings they were sad - to be in an earthquake
, worried- thinking one of my family members might die, not so good- Was feeling sick and lucky last exited and happy - helping to rebuild the city.
So all the things I said is about me being in christchurch with me,brother and dad.
From Rebekah.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Beautiful to Spooky!
In the olden days before Halloween, somewhere in America there were 3 kids called Carroll, Alex,and Sam.Carroll is fifteen and Sam and Alex are fourteen years old. Alex is a boy and Sam and Carroll are girls.The two girls looked like two beautiful queens as if they were drama queens and Alex looked like a king.
One day Sam went to pick up Carroll so they could go pick up Alex. It was not long when they got there and Alex was standing outside waiting for the two girls to come. Alex and Carol and Sam went inside and Alex’s mum offered the girls and Alex a glass of juice.
Once they had finished their drink they headed outside and went for a walk to go to the beautiful house. When they got there it was almost night time and Alex told the girls what happens on new moon. He went on telling them that the house will get cursed and that it might turn haunted. So the three kids went back home and got ready to go to bed to have a good sleep.
The next day it was a day that the 3 best friends went to the beautiful house and go inside and meet the people who lived in there. But when they got there Alex was right it was cursed,“OH NO’’ shouted Carroll,“ Its cursed". They all walked back to their houses sadly on the way back.
Carrol and Kimmy saw something bright in their eyes, “OH MY GOSH I CAN SEE TWO GHOSTS!” shouted Carroll and Sam. They started to yell and run and Carroll ran inside her house but Carroll could still see the ghost.At the house Sam could see other ghosts. These ghosts killed both their pets .They had a funeral for their pets,and it made them very sad.
At night time the three best friends set out and went for a stroll to the house that had been cursed the night before. When they got there it was nighttime and the two girls could see ghosts,demons,zombies hands reaching out of the graveyard and vampires and spiders and snakes with blood on them on the walls and inside. The 3 best friends went inside shaking.
Suddenly, one of the zombies came running after Alex and Sam quickly got her book of haunted and read it, and found 18 primary road and read the words out loud and said ,“ Every new moon the house will get cursed and will turn haunted and ghosts will be around you , and zombies will be chasing, vampires will be sucking and you will be screaming to DEATH!.”
After she read the words in the book Alex came back with a huge red and black scar over his face and he had one large scratch on his leg and he had blood all over and he talked like a zombie. Then Carroll screamed and said crying ,“My best friend has been attacked by a zombie”, and that’s what Sam said with her.
Then something creepy happened and Alex turned into a zombie. Alex chased the girls down the street and through other roads and they were screaming.While they were doing battling to get away from their friend that just left them like trash and chased them there was a man that heard the two girls his name was Link and he came out with a big gun and shot Alex in the head.“Thanks but now he is dead”
Carroll said “ No he will come to life again", said the man.
Then Alex came alive again. Alex rubbed his head as if he did not know who he was he did not know anything that happened to him he did not know he was a zombie,”What am I doing here?”, he asked Sam said, “It’s a long story we will tell you later”and they did.
When Sam told him he first of all did not believe her but when Carroll showed him a scratch on her arm he did. Carroll,Sam and Alex learnt a lesson and never went back to the house again.
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